Build in WebView Mode it will responed and view required site quickly
By using Multi tabing mode you can do multiple task at a time
It is absolutely free of cost. Why because of everyone in the internet is not secured to give minimum security it is free
It is a light weight,fast and secured browser .It has fast Browsing functionality,fast in Downloading,multi tabing mode. and blocks popup ads in all sites to avoid user to get irritation.
Special features
=>> Homepage Intergreated with Google
=>> Cache Disabled For Privacy Reason
=>> Basic Funcality of browser is Enabled
=>> JavaScrpit Enabled
=>> Easy to Access TamilRockers Site
Special function of Browser it does not save and share Cookies and download button enables browser to redirect to you in ****TamilRockers **** by ProxySite
Browser does not allow popup ads to avoid user to get Irritation
VPN Update will come Soon..:)